If you don’t mind open box or used products, you should definitely check out the Amazon Warehouse page, which allows shoppers to find great deals on everything from electronics to housewares. Plus, they frequently have promotion codes for further discounts on your first purchase. Buying from third-party sellers and individuals on Amazon is another way to get huge discounts on used items, especially previous generation electronics and older books.
In addition to being just an online retailer, Amazon also develops and markets its own brand of products - like the Amazon Kindle readers, Alexa - and is also a well-known provider of cloud computing solutions. Amazon's headquarters are based in Seattle, Washington with separate retail websites for the UK, Ireland, Spain, Australia, India, Mexico, Japan, Brazil, Germany, China, Canada, France, the Netherlands and Italy - with more international sites expected to launch in the future.
Looking to get a 20% off Amazon promo code? Save 20% off your entire order at Amazon.com with a wedding registry! You can qualify for a wedding gift promotion every two years. The 20% off promo code is valid for Amazon Prime members on just about anything sold by Amazon.com, however non-Prime members can still receive 10% off! Your one-time use promo code is valid for 90 days from the event date. Keep in mind that you can only use this offer on one order!