If you don’t mind open box or used products, you should definitely check out the Amazon Warehouse page, which allows shoppers to find great deals on everything from electronics to housewares. Plus, they frequently have promotion codes for further discounts on your first purchase. Buying from third-party sellers and individuals on Amazon is another way to get huge discounts on used items, especially previous generation electronics and older books.
Amazon rarely offers site-wide coupon codes, but they do offer coupons for specific products. During Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, Amazon will automatically apply discounts when you add products to your cart. While there might not be lots of Amazon promo codes, they do offer peace of mind when shopping. For example, if you buy an item from Amazon, then spot an identical product on an Amazon competitor's site at a lower price, they'll refund you the price difference. As long as you see the identical cheaper product within 14 days, you should be covered. Review the Amazon price matching policy to learn more.