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Become a Digital Marketer Google remedied this by allowing any app with the Nearby Notifications feature to enable the user’s mobile device to scan for beacons—even if that app has been killed. It does this via Android’s pending intent feature. The result is efficient background scanning that doesn’t drain a mobile’s battery life.
Marketing Business Skeptics Let’s break down the biggest myth about beacons - phone battery drainage. Beacons broadcast a Bluetooth Low Energy signal, also known as Bluetooth Smart or Bluetooth 4.0. Compared to the old Bluetooth, the Bluetooth Smart is meant to reduce power consumption significantly. It is supported on smartphones on iOS from the iPhone 4s and on Android natively from the 4.3 Jelly Bean release in 2013. goTenna ran an experiment on Oct 2015, where they were determined on finding out battery usage of different variables in an iPhone. The difference between Bluetooth on and off was so little that they couldn’t even read it on their instruments.
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Portal Model 1: Retailers are also looking at NFC as it offers a cost effective method by which consumers can engage with brands but doesn't require integrating the technology into their IT systems - which is a barrier to many new technologies like BLE. A number of retailers have already started using NFC to enhance the shopping experience, Casino in France and Vic in Holland.
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MOBILE MARKETING BLOG (b) “Tourist Information via Bluetooth in the Scottish Version 3.0 High Speed (HS), has recently been released (April 2009). This version allows fast Museum
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