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If I receive Bluetooth messages most of the people who are important to me will Mobile marketing strategies will look different for every brand. The key is to take the time to understand your audience, your business goals and how you’ll measure them, and the opportunities available on mobile to get started.
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To call startAdvertising() you need to prepare an AdvertiseSettings using AdvertiseSettings.Builder, AdvertiseData using AdvertiseData.Builder, and implement the AdvertiseCallback interface. This callback class will find out whether startAdvertising() was successful or not. Like iOS, this is an asynchronous process and you should wait for the callback rather than assume it worked.
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Place beacons above the crowd level (approximately about 4 ft to 7 ft above the ground) for maximum reach. Installing beacons on ceilings also work well.
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To understand what separates the strategies and structures of superior marketing organizations from the rest, EffectiveBrands (now Millward Brown Vermeer)—in partnership with the Association of National Advertisers, the World Federation of Advertisers, Spencer Stuart, Forbes, MetrixLab, and Adobe—initiated Marketing2020, which to our knowledge is the most comprehensive marketing leadership study ever undertaken. Coauthor Keith Weed, the CMO of Unilever, is the chairman of the initiative’s advisory board. To date the study has included in-depth qualitative interviews with more than 350 CEOs, CMOs, and agency heads, and over a dozen CMO roundtables in cities worldwide. We also conducted online quantitative surveys of 10,000-plus marketers from 92 countries. The surveys encompassed more than 80 questions focusing on marketers’ data analytics capabilities, brand strategy, cross-functional and global interactions, and employee training.
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